About Us
Hello, my name is Willie Manning, but I am formerly known as Tank Mann.
We created Squad Fam Productions (S1) for all those superhuman individuals who strive for perfection. I also created this platform of creative inspiration for all of my superhuman individuals who don’t know that they are superhuman yet and need that little push! I am that inspiration to show the world that even in the darkest moments’ beauty still reveals itself you just have to look!
My preferred professional path is to become one of the greatest, if not the best filmmakers of all time. It’s not about the fame, the money, or notoriety. It’s the ability to share and change someone else outlook on the world/life. What I mean by that is to be able to show others not only can you make a difference in changing the world, but you are the only limitation you have in the growth of your success! I’m invested in this path because I was once that person who thought life was over, I couldn’t do what I wanted, I couldn’t live my dream, etc. Well, I’m here to tell you it’s possible! I can’t stop at just proving myself wrong now I have to show the world! As a single father of six, who was severely injured in the line of duty I was told I wouldn’t be able to live my dream. Well, as I laid there in a hospital bed in pain looking at my kids as they continued to keep me comforted. I decided I will show them to never give up, and never accept defeat. Learn your complications and think your way through them persevere!
While being bedridden, and hospitalized for the past 6 years I have completed the impossible! I have managed to care for six beautiful souls, and myself as I deal with health complications that require treatments 5 days a week. Not to mention that I had to complete my assignments, school work, and their schoolwork while dealing with travesties like floods losing my house in 2018. Even though it seemed like everything went dark, and I had lost everything. I was determined to push through it! I made my kids another promise that I would never give up and as long as they keep smiling I will give my last breath to make sure we made it! Through my experiences, I can bring zeal, order, vision, and time management to the table. I feel having to go through my complications has prepared me for the real world of “get it done’ no do-overs. With regard to contributing to you, the client, or a freelance project I can bring experience, knowledge, and beauty to make the project come to life. With that being said, my beliefs of integrity, truth, and compassion are all beliefs that I feel you the client will be able to relate and connect to for your project or film. This is one of the major attributes of my work ethic.
As a professional journalist, cinematographer, master photographer, director, and DJ my greatest strengths are perseverance, integrity, an eye for capturing the moment. Along with my biggest weakness, time, and reliable help. I say that to say no matter what the situation is stay positive and push through! Here at Squad Fam Productions (S1) LLC, our motto is “Don’t wait for it, Go get it!” Tank Mann (2016).
Please join my cause and let us share with the world the beauty within!
Tank Mann
Squad Fam Productions (S1)