Keeping faith during a pandemic in 2020 proved to be quite difficult during the journey into 2021! Along the way, there were many deaths, racial wars, and a lot of political undermining commentated by our leaders specifically, President Donald Trump’s debate over “Stolen Elections.” That is not why we are here though. The reason you are reading this article is to really and truly understand that keeping faith during the pandemic in 2020 was very trying. What were you doing when this virus, COVID-19, made its first official appearance on February 11, 2020? Well, most people were enjoying their freedom to socialize, interact with family, to travel, to go to parks, etc. Well, all that came to a halt on February 11, 2020. According to CDC World Health Organization, a new disease called COVID-19. This virus hit Dillon County so hard that it changed the way we commune, socialize, and even the way we learn. The world took this hard, but the small town of Dillon County took this disease even harder. Most of the occupants of this community are older and retired. So, survival was already hanging on by a thread. Being that this community was almost living in the dark ages having to change how they worked as a community was the biggest change of all. Some citizens of Dillon County still haven’t adjusted even now that we have made it into the beginning of 2021. Well, you want to keep reading this article not to point out the bad, not to point out the deaths, but to show the world how Dillon County keeps their faith strong among this pandemic! For the religious community, it has really been trivial as well. Not being able to gather for commune, prayer, and events have been a big problem for Dillon County’s Religious Community. “Entering the new year of 2021 with hope and optimism is the only thing we can really do at this point,” according to The Dillon Herald.
Dillon County’s Statistics 2019-2020 created by Tank Mann.
“Surviving COVID-19 during 2020 was one of the most trying tasks he has endured in his lifetime,” said Christopher E. Taylor II. Christopher E. Taylor II a retired SSG native to Dillon County and father of 4 who has been a part of the religious community for over 27 years. The most important thing to remember is to never lose hope or keep the faith that it will get better. All we have are each other and the hopes of a better future. During the interview with Taylor, he expressed how maintaining mental health is one of the biggest assets in getting through this pandemic. You can see the full interview and follow along by clicking here, or
Maintaining mental health during this pandemic has been greatly overlooked! According to CDC, pandemics can be stressful! Fear of a new disease can be overwhelming for most individuals in any community. Not knowing if you are going to come in contact or if the person next to you is infected can cause anxiety to take over greatly.
Covid-19 has reigned havoc since its appearance in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. On February 11, 2020, World Health Organization gave this disease an official name COVID-19. According to CDC, COVID-19 is a virus that has caused the way we the people, commune, socialize or interact forever. One of the biggest changes that Dillon County has seen was death and violence. Since the pandemic started in February of 2020 the crime/violence rate jumped to an all-time increased high! Dillon County seemed like a war zone with all the deaths occurring within days of each other. Concerned natives of the small community of Dillon County like Dashawn M. Page, who grew tired of this violence within his community took to Facebook, and the religious communities like the churches to help get involved with stopping the violence during these trying times. Dashawn goes on to speak out in his community calling out to the pastors and the church body to step up and help save our community! “This is the time when the pastors and the church body should be at its best to help stop this violence and bring the community together,” Said Dashawn. Dillon County seemed to be in its’ darkest days during this pandemic in 2020!
How Are the Religious Communities of Dillon County Keeping Their Faith?
” There exist two sides to every coin, the coin represents each religious group, respectively. This coin embodies the doctrine of each religion. On one side of the coin, you have the individuals that follow the doctrines as written to the best of their abilities, and on the other side you have the others that follow their interpolation of the doctrines,” said Christopher Taylor II.
Taylor goes on to explain how Dillon County’s Religious Communities are keeping their faith strong and identify the two different groups within the religious communities. “The ones on the first side are typically the diamond in the rough that don’t stand out inside of the religious community because they are usually seen as outcasts. It’s hard to identify the first group because they follow the doctrine as written. The second group, however, is easy to identify both because they are the definition of what is written concerning Pharisees and Sadducees. When speaking on religion or any religious group your mind is directed to these types of people or this persona. This group is of people who make themselves to be a representation of what a religious group is about but have few or none of the qualities. These people are the example of what religion and tradition are but follow none of the doctrine or true doctrine. They work to be seen as a true disciple but only follow their private or personal interpretation,” said Christopher E Taylor II.

(Preacher and Congregation before the pandemic)
Photo by: Tank Mann
Progressing into the new year of 2021, I was able to catch up with Apostle Dr. Christopher E. Taylor I. Bishop Taylor, who is an expert of over 40 years in religious community leadership. He was able to help clarify what it is the church body and heads should be doing within their community and among the body of themselves.
What Is the Church’s Role Within the Community?
What is a black church and what is the church’s role within its community? To elaborate on this subject-matter expert speaker Bishop Dr. Christopher E. Taylor native, of Dillon County South Carolina, spoke with us on this topic in-depth in a short interview. In this interview, Dr. Taylor, who has over 40 years professionally in the ministry, gives insight on how a church should run in theory, but mostly how the morality of the church should be when it comes to individuality or in the community. Religion has been around or presents in multiple cultures since the beginning of time. As such, there has been a conflict of how worship or prayer should be conducted or held within the walls of a sanctuary. Well, Dr. Taylor compels you to open your mind for a second and really understand the fact that the church isn’t just a building for worship in a secret society, but “to each one teaches one,” said Dr. Taylor. This is one of the many heartfelt statements Dr. Taylor spoke on during this interview. One of the main topics of this interview covered how the church’s administration and body shouldn’t just be involved when it comes to passing out the offering pan, but in a time of need or turmoil within the church’s community, all leadership in the religious community should be involved with helping find a resolution or helping to bring peace back to its community. This means getting involved, having outreach to see what it is that needs to be done to heal the community. Well, Dillon County has been suffering greatly in the past few months as the death tolls, and crime rate grows. Dr. Taylor believes the church’s mission within the community mindset should be strong and distinct. “Each one teaches one, or each one reaches one,” said Bishop Dr. Christopher E Taylor. You can see this full article by clicking “How Does the Church Serve it’s Community.”
Religion in the United States of America has been a topic of the people since the beginning of time. In today’s modern communities this subject has been a touchy topic since the election that took place on 11/03/2020. Christopher E. Taylor II speaks out on what religion has become in today’s era. “Religion and politics do not mix at all because politics are about the people as a whole, whereas religion is about the people as a whole but accepts any person as they are,” says Taylor. According to Stephen King, an expert on Reddit, “As a species, we’re fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up reasons to kill one another. Why do you think we invented politics and religion?” How can this country say it’s based on Christianity when most individuals seek to impose their will on others when it should be about their experience,” said Taylor. Looking to use religion only to gain power or endorse their images within the community. “Christians don’t too much care about how someone lives their lives, while other groups try to impose their belief systems into law,” said Taylor. Meaning individuals involved in politics trying to tell the world what they think is best for them. Taylor goes on to quote a scripture from the bible, “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” (1st Corinthians 6:12, KJV).
After a long trivial year enduring COVID-10 in 2020, we came into the new year with the conclusion that Keeping faith during this epidemic is the only way our communities will survive. Uplifting and supporting our fellow neighbors will keep our spirits and hope alive going into the unknown. The biggest community affected by this pandemic has been the church body. To see what Christopher E. Taylor II an expert of 20 years in the religious community has to say click here to listen to the full podcast “Covid-19 and The Effects In The Religious Communities.”
COVID-19 has greatly affected the way Dillon County’s Religious Community functions. Not being able to congregate, gather, or socialize in a normal manner of the commune has challenged some of the religious community’s leadership, and followers. Some are worried that the church community will be destroyed or lose focus on their mission statement. We were able to catch up and speak with John McBride II 34, who is also a native of Dillon County’s Religious Community and currently practices speaking in the Rock Hill South Carolina area. John McBride is not only a father, but he is also a survivor of cancer. Speaking with him gave a whole new meaning to hope! What I mean by that is even in the midst of this pandemic, John still leads by example and that’s staying positive, keeping the faith, and supporting his community! “Even at your breaking point; God always shows himself truly in your life; Greater is coming,” said John McBride.
Having to change the way the religious communities gather has been the most trivial task to complete according to Sheila Manning-Taylor. Mrs. Taylor, a 54 yr. a native of Dillon County who has been a religious speaker for over 20+ years, and as a well-respected pillar in the religious community she decided to honor us with her expertise on how the religious community has been progressing along with how it has caused animosity or segregation among the ranks of the religious factions due to the stress of the COVID-19 Virus/Pandemic. “Some of those that are gathering seem to have the impression that those who are not gathering are in fear. Those who are not gathering wonder why those who are gathering are being careless with the peoples’ lives,” said Mrs. Taylor. This statement was a prime example of how hard it has been for the religious community to support their faith, but instead, they have not been dismayed. Dillon County’s Religious Communities have shown to be resilient! Speaking with Mrs. Taylor has really opened the mind of the church in this community because there were a lot of individuals who really felt like this. Well, Mrs. Taylor wanted to address those individuals not to call them out or point fingers, but to speak up for the ones who still are silent but keep their faith and hope in the Almighty! “I am one of those who is not gathering because they have told us to stay home and not go out unless it is necessary. They are trying to get the numbers down. It is not because of fear, but because of wanting to do what is right. If you do all that you know to do that is right, God will take care of the rest. I know there is no guarantee that something will not happen, and you become exposed. However, I do know that God is a keeper. It is my responsibility to do the right, then I can expect God to take care of me. If I am kept from exposure, I know God is keeping me. If He allows it in my life, I know He is keeping me. He will keep me when I am not exposed, and He will keep me through exposure. To God be the Glory,” said Mrs. Taylor.
What do you think is the biggest issue within the religious community, and what do you feel is being done to keep the faith strong from the body of the church during this pandemic? You can be a part of this discussion or follow what people are suggesting here in the group called “The Big Debate Lounge (Staying Positive During A Pandemic). This is a group created by Tank Mann to enlighten the minds and keep followers up to date on what’s going on in the religious communities of Dillon County, and surrounding areas. Please feel free to send a request and check it out. Tell them Tank Mann sent you!
This has been both a great and sad experience of seeing how this small community of Dillon County is keeping their hope/faith during a pandemic with COVID-19. The sad part includes all the individuals, and families we lost during the year 2020 up to 202! Bernard Robertson another native and pillar of Dillon County’s religious community. He has been an expert speaker for over 25+ years and his words were valuable in this subject matter because he touches on some things that we all should remember. We are all flawed, but it’s not the flaws that matter it’s how we use the strengths that keep us gonging! “Personally, as a believer, it’s a mixed bag for me. With everything already going on in the world both chaos and blind schism has become the norm in this nation. And that same divisiveness and turmoil have crept its way into many of the hearts and minds of harden believers,’ said Robertson! This statement was one to hit home to a lot of the people reading it. To read this full response and follow along click “The Big Debate Lounge.”
What Is the Church’s Role Within the Community?
The biggest concept of the religious community is understanding. Meaning you must first understand and know what the church’s role is within any community. The church isn’t just a building, a place of worship the church is the people, the body, and the heads! This is where the leaders sometimes lose focus. Well, I was able to catch up with Bishop Dr. Christopher E. Taylor who is a native of Dillon County and is a pillar in the religious community. He has been an expert speaker/pastor/counselor over 36+ professionally. He has really been a great guest. Speaking on things like how the church runs, to what the church should be doing for or within its own community. Bishop Taylor was very becoming. One of the most intriguing men in Dillon County I have had the pleaser to interview.
In this interview, Dr. Taylor, who has over 36 years professionally in the ministry, gives insight on how a church should run in theory, but mostly how the morality of the church should be when it comes to individuality or in the community. Religion has been around or presents in multiple cultures since the beginning of time. As such, there has been a conflict of how worship or prayer should be conducted or held within the walls of a sanctuary. Well, Dr. Taylor compels you to open your mind for a second and really understand the fact that the church isn’t just a building for worship in a secret society, but “to each one teaches one,” said Dr. Taylor. This is one of the many heartfelt statements Dr. Taylor spoke on during this interview. One of the main topics of this interview covered how the church’s administration and body shouldn’t just be involved when it comes to passing out the offering pan, but in a time of need or turmoil within the church’s community, they should be involved with finding a resolution or helping to bring peace back to its community. Bishop Taylor gives his expert thoughts on this subject precisely in this interview that you can see the full version of or follow along by clicking here.
How the Religious Communities in Dillon, South Carolina Are Keeping Their Faith During a Pandemic?
As we come to the end of this inspirational story of how Dillon County’s religious communities are keeping their hope and faith strong, we hope you will remember to keep your faith during this pandemic and stay safe by practicing social distancing, supporting each other, staying positive, and sharing helpful information. These are some of the things that will help us overcome the task at hand! Don’t lose your faith even in the midst of darkness, having hope and keeping your mind strong will help us pull through this pandemic. To follow this article and more like this story you can go to “The Big Debate Lounge.” If you want to see or hear this full interview with Bishop Taylor please listen here SquadFamProductions Podcast.

Christopher E Taylor II. photo taken by TankMann
Christopher E Taylor II photo taken by Tank Mann

Bishop Dr. Christopher E. Taylor and TankMann photo taken by TankMann
Staying positive during a pandemic is the goal!
Ok, here it is new post alert! I have been listening and following what you guys have been doing to keep the faith...
Posted by Squad Fam Productions - S1 LLC on Wednesday, January 27, 2021