In this month’s course, Multimedia Reporting, I was expecting to be educated on the many ways of reporting as a professional journalist in the modern and traditional ethics alike. Well, I wasn’t disappointed! I will start off by saying that this course was very well-thought-out, planned, and executed. What I mean by that the exercises in each module were helpful to me as a student by not only instructing me how to deliver the completed assignments but how to find sources need to complete or compare pertinent information. This link dedicated to showing a journalist how to use Cut Lines and Photo Captions. I specifically love the fact that the professor, Professor Lee, kept the work broad but constrictive to narrow or focus on the subject at hand. If I had to single out an exercise that I liked more, so I would say the week two assignment was the enactment of what was required in this section for the publication to be successful. I personally will say that this exercise was a very good choice to give upcoming journalists. It helps to understand the need for the different media formats, and how to market/relay your work to the audience/world around you. As I was once told by a wise man during my time here at Full Sail University, “We are the window, and it is our job to show the audience what it is that needs to be seen not force and opinion.” What that means is to tell the story inconclusively while using effective headlines, interviewing tactics, and infographics win the race. I feel this course has not only given me the chance to explore how to relay or express a story but hot to get creative professionally to get the story and “what the story is about/why should you care to your audience and keep them engaged.” I will apply this lesson in my personal, day to day life, and professional life the same to relay express and convert information to my audience/family.
This experience during this course will empower me as a better journalist who can not only tell a story but tell it properly with supporting facts. This is one of the most important parts of my professional career as a Multimedia Journalist and this course has prepared me for my future endeavors in the world of journalism. “Never let anybody tell you what you can or can’t do; only you can decide what you can or can’t do!” Manning, W. (2020). Tank Mann’s Story.